There is a spiritual atmosphere created by the unity of hearts and prayers that changes things.
During a recent C3 Global prayer meeting, I noticed shifts occurring in my spirit as we prayed together. I believe there is an anointing released from heaven when God’s people humble themselves and pray together. It can be tangible and very real. This anointing can break fear, anxiety, hopelessness and replace them with faith and hope! As certain people prayed, I found my heart and spirit responding as I was engaging and agreeing with the prayers. Noticeable shifts were taking place for me and I would suggest for others taking part. If my people will humble themselves and pray, seek His face & repent, he will hear us and forgive us and heal our land. (My paraphrase of 2 Chronicles 7:14) This is congregational and group prayer; praying with others. Can I encourage all of us to be involved with our online C3 Global prayer meetings and C3 Wynyard Engine Room Prayer because unity brings blessing to our lives! Ps Geoff Cooper
May 2020